
Find out who is behind a domain name with “Whois”

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Whois what is it?

Whois service allows you to find out who the owner of a domain name (or “IP” address), this is a kind of global directory of webmasters.Il allows among others to identify the host a site. You can easily get the name, first name, address, phone number, the host of a site etc …. Imagine that you find an exceptionally fast and reliable website and want to know which hosts this fabulous site, simply do a search on one of the many whois service to obtain this information. Some also use it to address complaints directly to the head of a web site or to check its credibility.

Whois is where?

There are a multitude of whois service on the net, but some do not consider all extensions. For example, some whois services only offer extensions “.com”, “.net”, “.info”, “.us” and “.biz” and do not have their extensions registers as “.fr” or “.ch”. Best whois service which we found to date is www.whois-search.com, this service comprises the majority of domain extensions. We leave it to find other similar services.

First try with a domain name and also try your “IP” you can quickly copy from www.whatismyip.com and paste in the search box, you will find that “whois” will only give you information your ISP. Note that “whatsmyip.com” displays your “IP” and your location.

Whois Maintenance

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How to set up the necessary to manage your own objects in the database of Ripe.


Ripe is the organization that is responsible for the management of public internet resources for Europe and Middle East area. These resources include IP (v4 and v6) and AS numbers.

To ensure the management and documentation of the use of these resources, but also many other information, the Ripe maintains a database to which it is wrongly refers to the name of the protocol used to interrogate .

The “whois” and the base

Whois is a very simple protocol (I’ll let you read the very short RFC 3912. Whois is used to query the basis of Ripe, but not for the update. In fact, the basic structure is much more complex it uses a language called branched PCNs, which distributes information in “objects” typed (probably made tables).

The updating of these objects is mainly in two ways: the online interface Ripe on the website, and email. The objective here is to get set up email exchanges signed with PGP, but also the way we will use other tools.


To ensure a sufficient level of security, maintained in the database objects are protected by rights mechanisms. In some cases an algorithm that uses permission checks on many items previously reported is used to confirm a change on another object.

These authorization mechanisms are not detailed here, we only addresses part authentication.

Authentication can be done either by password (via the Web and email) or by signing PGP changed objects (mail only). Say what key and what passwords to authenticate an applicant, it is the function of the “Maker” objects (maintainer in English) and in the database: mntner.